Posted by admin on January 22, 2008We have listed for you below, the scariest, creepiest, and most popular online games! Send ’em to a friend, or play them for your amusement. Some of these may be extremely scary, so please tread carefully.
- Scary Maze 2
- Abandoned
- All Hallows Eve
- Ask The Spirits
- Atrocitys
- Atrocities The Revenge
- Attack of the Killer Dolls
- BOXHEAD The Rooms
- BOXHEAD The Zombie Wars
- Brainz
- Bloody Rage
- Breakpoint
- City Smasher
- Dark Cut 2
- De-Animator
- Death Trap
- Desolation
- Died Hard
- Devine Intervention
- Doom Triple Pack
- Escape the Boogeyman
- Eternal Red
- Exmortis
- Exmortis 2
- Farwest Nightmare
- Final Strike
- Found Lost
- Ghost Invaders
- Goliath the Soothsayer
- Headless Havoc
- Kius
- Letum
- Little Loki Escapes from Hell
- Lone Survivor
- Marksmen
- Monster Basement
- Midnight Massacre
- Nightmare Escape
- Nightmare House
- Purgatorium
- Scary Sleepover
- Stick Trinity 2
- The Abaddon Demon Shooter
- The Chainsaw
- The Hills Have Eyes
- The Last Stand
- The Visitor
- We Are Legend
- Zombie Arena
- Zombieland
- Zombie Kiss
- Zombie Survival Quiz
- Zombie Terror
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