Archive for September, 2009
Posted by Horror & Suspense on
September 29, 2009

© Sony
If you're willing to dress up as a zombie, you can catch a FREE preview of Zombieland in select cities before it hits theaters nationwide on Friday. Those of you in Los Angeles on September 30 and Houston, Dallas and Chicago on October 1 can participate in a "zombie walk" and free screening. Some sites may even provide you with makeup! See for details.

Posted by Horror Movies News on
September 29, 2009
The leaves are barely starting to turn here in Brooklyn, but Robert Zemeckis and Disney are demanding-- demanding!-- that you already get in the Christmas spirit.
Posted by Horror Movies News on
September 29, 2009
Imprisoned director Roman Polanski is in a "fighting mood" and will battle U.S. attempts to have him extradited from Switzerland to California to face justice for fleeing a 1978 sex charge, his lawyer said Monday.
Posted by Horror & Suspense on
September 29, 2009

© New Line
Given the supernatural nature of the story and the dreamlike visuals inherent therein, the upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street remake is one of the more intriguing of the rash of 21st century horror remakes. Now, with the release of an early trailer, we have our first peek at what the film will look like, and a few things come to mind:
- It's dark, returning to the original's edgy content -- before Freddy had to make a bad pun with every kill.
- It looks attractive, but none of the visuals are terribly striking. One of the elements I enjoy so much about the series is the "anything can happen" kills and trippy special effects. I fear this remake might take itself too seriously.
- Several scenes -- at least four, by my count -- are taken straight from the original. I realize it's a remake, but it might be sticking too slavishly to the original. I think fans will forgive you if you at least freshen up the kills.
- Jury's still out on the new Freddy. His makeup seems to strive for a more realistic burn victim look, which deadens the sharp features that helped make Robert Englund's Freddy so distinctive. And is it me, or does Jackie Earle Haley just look shorter?

Posted by Horror Movies News on
September 29, 2009
PASADENA, Calif. - Actor Ty Burrell usually plays the menacing bad guy, threatening the good folk with all kinds of devious ploys.
Posted by Horror & Suspense on
September 28, 2009

© Anchor Bay
This week continues the string of consecutive weeks with a major horror release leading up to Halloween, as Zombieland hits theaters. On DVD, meanwhile, The Hills Run Red, the Adam Sandler production The Shortcut, The Farm House and Stepfather II lead the way.

Posted by Horror Movies News on
September 28, 2009
Roman Polanski's arrest in Switzerland has left his latest film in limbo, with several months of work before the political thriller is ready for theaters.
Posted by Horror Movies News on
September 28, 2009
MySpace has just released the new teaser trailer for director Samuel Bayer's new adaptation of A Nightmare on Elm Street .
Posted by Horror & Suspense on
September 28, 2009

I often find myself defending studios who engage in remakes, but Bob Weinstein and the folks over at Dimension are really pushing it. Looking at their upcoming slate -- which includes the previously mentioned sequels to Scream and Halloween and remakes of Children of the Corn and An American Werewolf in London, plus sequels to Scanners and Hellraiser (not sure if the latter means a sequel to the original or the long-delayed remake). If that doesn't seem shallow and gimmicky enough, several of the films (Halloween 3, Scanners, Hellraiser) will be shot in 3-D, a technology that soon will become so prevalent that people will cease to fork over the extra $4 and stick with the 2-D version.
I try to give studios the benefit of the doubt when it comes to remake and sequels, but all of this taken at once seems like Weinstein is just mindlessly throwing everything he has against the wall to see what sticks. Sure, I'll be intrigued to see the outcome, but it all seems pretty disrespectful to the legacy of the original films.