
Horror Culture and Scary Pranks

NEIL GAIMAN at Hay-on-Wye Festival

Posted by Horror Fiction News Network on May 14, 2007 NEIL GAIMAN (Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=0060853980), The Absolute Sandman, Vol. 1 ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=1401210821), Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=0060515228)) will be attending the huge book festival at Hay-on-Wye in Wales. A few people wrote to ask why I hadn't said anything here about my appearance at the Hay on Wye festival ( a couple of weeks, and it's because since I'd agreed to do it, the powers organising it hadn't sent me any details or information to...

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