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Kevin Smith Horor Flick Script Complete

Posted by ( on September 4, 2007 Rotten Tomatoes reports Kevin Smith's much-discussed horror project now has its script. The film -- titled Red State, and on track to start production after Smith's next comedy, was reported on by RT-UK back in April when Smith cautioned fans to expect the unexpected:

"It's weird because for a few months I've been saying 'horror movie' and technically it is, but it's also not a very traditional horror movie in the sense that people have been asking me, 'Is it a slasher movie? Is it like the Japanese horror flicks?' It'd be much easier to just show it to them when I'm done and be like, 'This is what I meant.' At which point I'm sure there'll be people saying, 'This ain't a horror movie!' But to me, it is."

Now, over at SilentBobSpeaks, Smith brings word that the Red State script is done:

"Totally different than anything I've written before...Shortest script I've ever written, too, as well as the least dialogue-driven (not to say there's not a lot of dialogue in it still; just not nearly as much as I'm used to writing). It's a weird, relentlessly bleak and extremely unsettling affair..."

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