
Horror Culture and Scary Pranks

Fox Releasing Stack of DVDs – Some Not Available in U.S. Previously

Posted by ( on June 19, 2007 DVD Drive-in reports that Fox will release a stack of classic horror DVDs on Sept. 11 as part of their Halloween promotion. These include double feature sets of Tales from the Crypt (1972)/Vault of Horror (1973), Chosen Survivors/The Earth Dies Screaming (directed by Terence Fisher), Devils of Darkness/Witchcraft (1964, starring Lon Chaney Jr.), Bluepring for Murder/Man in the Attic, Gorilla at Large/Mystery at Monster Island, The House on Skull Mountain/The Mephisto Waltz, and The Fly Classic Collection, which will feature re-releases of the original The Fly and Return of the Fly, as well as the home video premiere of Curse of the Fly. Many of the titles here have never been available on home video in the U.S. before. The double features will retail for around $14.98 each.

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