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Common Cobras @ San Diego Zoo

Posted by Search results on August 29, 2007
Cobras are one of the most beautiful and striking species of Poisonous Snakes in the World. Belonging to the Elapidae Family of snakes which includes Cobras, Kraits and Sea Snakes, there are over 270 species of cobras ranging throughout the Asian and African continents. One of the most poisonous, revered and even worshipped snake families in the world, Cobras are highly venomous and considered very dangerous snakes. Efficient hunters, quite capable of protecting themselves, Cobras deliver significant amounts of deadly Neurotoxic venom resulting in necrosis and respiratory collapse. This potent, fast acting venom can result in human fatality in as little as 30-60 minutes from time of envenomation, especially in children due to their low body weight

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