STEVE NILES Appearances: FANGO CON, NJ and Others
Posted by Horror Fiction News Network on June 20, 2007 STEVE NILES (30 Days of Night ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=0971977550), Dark Days ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=193238216X), The Complete 30 Days of Night ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=1932382178)) has posted a few upcoming appearances on his Myspace page. He will be attending the Fangoria Convention in NJ, Comics great Steve Niles, creator of WAKE THE DEAD, CRIMINAL MACABRE, DARK DAYS, REMAINS, 28 DAYS LATER: AFTERMATH and many others, has joined the roster of the next Tristate area edition of FANGORIA’s Weekend of Horrors, to be held June 29-July 1 at the Meadowlands Crowne Plaza Hotel (2 Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, New Jersey). On Saturday, Niles will be previewing the eagerly awaited movie version of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, which he adapted from his much-praised IDW graphic novel.He will also be attending a signing at FANTASY COMICS in Tuscon, AZ along with DAVID SCHOW and TIM BRADSTREET. Folks in the Southwest may want to plan a little weekend trip to Arizona to help celebrate the big Anniversary of Fantasy Comics in Tucson Arizona. Why? Glad you asked. Because these types of gatherings do not happen very often outside of a major show. The store signing will be a much more intimate setting to ask questions, look at originals, and listen to these guys talk about what makes them tick. Where and when will all of this happen? SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd from 2 - 6pm. FANTASY COMICS 2595 N. 1st avenue, Tucson Arizona, 85719 For a map click HERE ( hl=en msa=0 om=1 msid=112812854809229946316.0000011281a39b1c2a31c ll=32.252406,-110.960884 spn=0.004918,0.010042 z=17) For more information contact Fantasy Comics through their website ( always you can see upcoming events at the HFNN Events Calendar. ( Itemid=379) Source: Steve Niles ( messageID=3739731073 MyToken=66f935f2-42f8-48cc-8a9d-82da2525dc95)Posted under Horror Fiction News