
Horror Culture and Scary Pranks

What the Devil? New TV Versions of The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby in the Works

Posted by Horror & Suspense on August 11, 2013

The Exorcist
© Warner Bros.

If you think there are too many big-screen horror remakes nowadays, you might not want to turn on your TV for the next few years. That’s because small-screen remakes of horror classics seem to be the next big trend. Earlier this year, we had Bates Motel revisiting Psycho and Hannibal revisiting the Hannibal Lecter franchise, while this fall will witness NBC’s Dracula (not to mention the successful Teen Wolf, the failed attempt at Zombieland and long-gestating shows based on Clarice Starling and the Hellraiser movies), and now there’s word that Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist are the next to be targeted as TV series. 

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