
Horror Culture and Scary Pranks


Posted by Horror Fiction News Network on August 1, 2007 For Immediate Release WICKED DEAD NEW YA HORROR SERIES by Stefan Petrucha Thomas Pendleton Website Live! Book 1: Lurker Available August 28! ( tag=horficnewnet-20 linkCode=as2 camp=1789 creative=9325 creativeASIN=0061138495)LURKER, the first book in the WICKED DEAD series is available for pre-order now and will be in bookstores everywhere August 28. WICKED DEAD is an ongoing teen horror series from HarperCollins, written by Stefan Petrucha and Thomas Pendleton (Lee Thomas). Teen readers participating in Harper's First Look program have already called the book, “Amazing!” “Heart pounding!” and “...not a page turner but a page burner!” A website devoted to the series is now live. ( In the future it will be expanded to include a flash game and a video. WICKED DEAD: Four ghost girls, Daphne, Anne, Shirley, and Mary, trapped in the abandoned ruins of the hulking Lockwood Orphanage, live in fear of the evil Headmistress. In an effort to escape her dread punishment, each night they roll a set of dice-like bones, which conjure tales of violent death, one of which they pray will unlock the secret of their own earthly confinement. Come visit… if you dare! Lee Thomas (

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