Okay so we got here, all the traps from Saw 3. The clips are cam quality, so don’t be expecting HD-quality. They will probably ruin or spoil the movie for you, so only watch if you have seen the movie before or don’t care. Hosted at Dailymotion.com and Posted in chronological order.
This website provides a list of haunted places from all around the world. However, the origin of these places and stories aren’t mentioned.
Link: http://theshadowlands.net/places/
Yea, this is a weird subject that has never been discussed before and will probably never again be discussed. As weird as it sounds, these purses really do look like monsters!
This article is something that all horror movie-goers should read. It talks about the current state of horror in today’s horror movies, how it’s different from the past, and what’s next.